Monday, April 14, 2008

Examples of Obscenity/Violence in sexualized media

1. Law and Order, specifically Law and Order SVU (Special Victims Unit) often deals with sexualized crimes and violence against both men and women, but more often women. I find it interesting that in the show, most of the episodes involve people being harmed or killed while participating in non-conventional sexual practices. What I mean is that the show paints a picture which would imply to regular viewers that participating in non-heterosexual monogamous sexual activity is very likely to end violently. Unfortunately there are a few theories in the field of Communication and Psychology which would imply that watching these kinds of shows could cultivate a system of belief that begins to reflect the content of the shows. This is unfortunate because all kinds of sex can end tragically, but more importantly, sexual acts are committed every day by the millions and usually I would assert that most of them are consensual and meant to be enjoyed by both or all parties involved.

2. Like my first source of media suggests, over-representation of a particular phenomenon can eventually have an effect on those who watch. Particularly those who watch large amounts of TV. The news is another source of media that often only reports the negative aspects of sex and sex acts. While rape is often reported on the news for no particular reason, crimes related to non-conventional sex is sensationalized and blown to such a proportion that it seems like there is nothing more important that that given crime or situation. This, I feel, only serves to create negative stereotypes around so many different lifestyles and beliefs that in and of themselves are legitimate.

3. In the media, sex is used to often represent an act of fear or oppression. One media artifact in particular comes to mind. The movie, 300, shows several different kinds of sexual conduct throughout the film. There is an example of heterosexual monogamous sex between the main character and his wife the queen. Later, there is an example of homosexual and group sexual activities when one character, disenfranchised by his idol, the king of Sparta, goes to the opposing army as a traitor. While in the lair of the enemy, the throne room is darkly lit while dozens of women and only a few men participate in sexual acts together. Near the end of the movie, an evil and manipulative politician and his queen participate in a sexual act together that, while both agreed to the encounter, was used by the woman to get what she wanted in a trade which allowed the man to be as violent and uncaring during the act as he wanted. “You will not enjoy this...” This further pushes the idea that any other act outside of normative sexuality is dangerous and socially deviant or evil.

4. In many forums, violence has been purposefully linked with sex and sexuality. What fight or physical competition doesn’t have at least a few girls in bikinis ring-side? Often athletes participating in these kinds of sports have women specifically selected to be in their corner because of their physical appearance. The message sent through these images is that being a risk taker makes a man more physically attractive.

5. Another example of this is in the film “The Fast and The Furious III”. In the very beginning of the film, a young man is taunted in to a race by another guy and his girlfriend. The reward for winning the race is essentially the rights to have the girlfriend. She offers herself up as the reward. In the subsequent race, safety is completely disregarded and death would certainly occur had either of them made a single false move. According to these different types of media, sex and sexuality is worthy of serious injury or death.

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